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Are you struggling to manage stress, control your responses, and reduce negative feelings? If you find yourself procrastinating, struggling with relationship issues at home or work, feeling frustrated, irritated, overwhelmed, or not at your full potential?

This six-week program is designed to improve your positive mindset might be just what you need. By utilizing the PQ operating system, you can create positive habits by daily practicing. You will learn to identify and overcome negative thoughts, and instead, focus on positive thoughts.

Build Your Powerful Habits

If you could transform your life in just two minutes three times a day.

Would you do it?

Our six week program begins with the PQ Training, which is specifically designed to help you improve your mental fitness using the coaching model created by Shirzad Chamine, a lecturer at Stanford. Starting with a free assessment to help you identify your saboteurs, followed by a discussion of how mental fitness can assist you in developing confidence habits.
Throughout the program, we'll meet once a week as a group of 3-6 individuals to offer the necessary support to assist you in integrating the practice.

What to expect

To help you reach your full potential and integrate program learning, you'll receive one private coaching calls with Pauline Leung valued at £85.

One to one Coaching

Over the weekend, you will receive bite-size videos with experiential exercises to practice mental fitness and feel energized.

Video Sessions

The Daily Practice guides you with a different daily focus each day. It has three Coach Challenges that can be done in under 15 minutes to help you exercise your self-control muscle and reduce negative emotions. It's like a quick form of meditation.

An exclusive App

Every week, you will have an online meeting with your coaching group, called a pod. This pod, curated and led by Pauline, provides a meaningful community of like-minded individuals to share your progress with.

Group Coaching

We all have certain negative voices in our heads that activate our primitive brain, leading to the fight, flight, or freeze response. This can cause stress, which in turn makes us feel anxious, exhausted, and overwhelmed.


If we experience positive emotions such as love, joy, empathy, and compassion, we are in our true self - the sage brain. By cultivating these sage powers, we can counteract the sabotaging tendencies of the primitive brain.


Find out more details

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